In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA informs that it is the owner of the website WWW.MORADSA.COM. In accordance with the requirements of article 10 of the aforementioned Law, MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA reports the following data:

The owner of this website is MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA, with CIF A58522558 and registered office at C/ MONTILLA 19 EDIFICIO LABOR 08970, SANT JOAN DESPI (BARCELONA), registered in the Mercantile Registry, in volume ………, folio ………, sheet ……… and registration ………. The email address for contact with the company is: CONTABILIDAD@MORADSA.COM.

User and responsibilities regime

Browsing, accessing and using the MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA website confers the status of user, by which you accept, from browsing the MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA website, all the conditions of use established here without prejudice to the application of the corresponding mandatory legal regulations as the case may be.

The MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA website provides a wide variety of information, services and data. The user assumes responsibility for the correct use of the website. This responsibility will extend to:

The veracity and legality of the information provided by the user in the forms issued by MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA for access to certain content or services offered by the website.
The use of the information, services and data offered by MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA contrary to the provisions of these conditions, the Law, morality, good customs or public order, or that in any other way may involve injury to the rights of third parties or the operation of the website itself.


Link Policy and Disclaimers

MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA is not responsible for the content of the websites that the user can access through the links established on its website and declares that in no case will it proceed to examine or exercise any type of control over the content of other sites on the network. Likewise, it will not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of sites other than its property that can be accessed through the links.

MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA declares that it has adopted all necessary measures to avoid any harm to the users of its website, which may arise from browsing its website. Consequently, MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA is not responsible, in any case, for any damage that the user may suffer due to Internet browsing.



MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate, without prior notice, to the content of its website. Both in relation to the contents of the website, and in the conditions of use thereof. These modifications may be made through its website in any manner admissible by law and will be mandatory during the time in which they are published on the website and until they are validly modified by subsequent ones.


Data protection

In accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into the processing system owned by MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA with CIF A58522558 and registered office at C/ MONTILLA 19 EDIFICIO LABOR 08970, SANT JOAN DESPI (BARCELONA), in order to facilitate, expedite and fulfill the commitments established between both. parts. In compliance with current regulations, MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA informs that the data will be kept for the period strictly necessary to comply with the precepts mentioned above.

We inform you that we will process your data in accordance with the existence of your consent.

MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA informs that it will proceed to process the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, exact and updated manner. That is why MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA undertakes to adopt all reasonable measures so that these are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate.

In accordance with the rights conferred on you by current data protection regulations, you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data, as well as the consent given for the processing thereof, by directing your request to the postal address indicated above or to the email address CONTABILIDAD@MORADSA.COM.

You may contact the competent Control Authority to present the claim you consider appropriate.


SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer)

The SSL CERTIFICATE provides authentication, privacy and security of information between MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA and the user.

MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA has a security certificate that is used by SSL CERTIFICATE to make secure connections.

In this process, several parameters are established to make the connection securely and it is established using pre-established keys, encoding and decoding all data sent until the connection is closed.


Intellectual and industrial property

MONTAJES Y RADIADOS S.A. por sí misma o como cesionaria, es titular de todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial de su página web, así como de los elementos contenidos en la misma (a título enunciativo, imágenes, sonido, audio, vídeo, software o textos; marcas o logotipos, combinaciones de colores, estructura y diseño, selección de materiales usados, programas de ordenador necesarios para su funcionamiento, acceso y uso, etc.), titularidad de MONTAJES Y RADIADOS SA. Serán, por consiguiente, obras protegidas como propiedad intelectual por el ordenamiento jurídico español, siéndoles aplicables tanto la normativa española y comunitaria en este campo, como los tratados internacionales relativos a la materia y suscritos por España.

Todos los derechos reservados. En virtud de lo dispuesto en la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, incluida su modalidad de puesta a disposición, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de esta página web, con fines comerciales, en cualquier soporte y por cualquier medio técnico, sin la autorización de MONTAJES Y RADIADOS S.A.

El usuario se compromete a respetar los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial titularidad de MONTAJES Y RADIADOS S.A. Podrá visualizar los elementos del portal e incluso imprimirlos, copiarlos y almacenarlos en el disco duro de su ordenador o en cualquier otro soporte físico siempre y cuando sea, única y exclusivamente, para su uso personal y privado. El usuario deberá abstenerse de suprimir, alterar, eludir o manipular cualquier dispositivo de protección o sistema de seguridad que estuviera instalado en las páginas de MONTAJES Y RADIADOS S.A.


Legal actions, applicable legislation and jurisdiction

MONTAJES Y RADIADOS S.A. also reserves the right to file civil or criminal actions that it deems appropriate for the improper use of its website and content, or for non-compliance with these conditions.

The relationship between the user and the provider will be governed by the regulations in force and applicable in Spanish territory. If any controversy arises, the parties may submit their conflicts to arbitration or resort to ordinary jurisdiction, complying with the rules on jurisdiction and competence in this regard. MONTAJES Y RADIADOS S.A. is domiciled in BARCELONA, Spain.